ARM Bare Metal Programming with C – Weekend Program

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Getting Started – Week-1

  1. Introduction : What is baremetal programming ? Why is it useful ?
  2. Overview of the Boards used.
  3. Hardware Requirements
  4. Required Documentation
  5. Setting up Keil uVision5 IDE (Hands-On)
  6. Opening a new project on Keil (Hands-On)

Debugging with Keil – Week-2

  1. Writing first code (Hands-On)
  2. Breakpoints (Hands-On)
  3. Disassembly View  (Hands-On)
  4. Registers Windows (Hands-On)
  5. Watchpoint  (Hands-On)
  6. Memory Window (Hands-On)
  7. System View (Hands-On)
  8. Serial Windows (Hands-On)
  9. Quiz

Introduction to ARM Cortex-M  -Week-3

  1. What is ARM Cortex-M ?
  2. Cortex M family of Processors
  3. Microcontroller v/s Microprocessor

Understanding ARM Cortex-M based MCUs  -Week -4,5

  1. Understanding the Block Diagram of MCU (Micro-controller)
  2. Understanding MCU Bus Interfaces
    1. I-Code/D-Code/S-Bus
    2. Overview of ARM’s AMBA Bus Architecture
    3. Understanding the Bus Matrix
  3. Understanding Memory Map of MCU
  4. Understanding MCU Clock Tree
  5. Understanding MCU Vector Table
  6. Understanding MCU Interrupt Design ( NVIC )
  7. Understanding Cortex M Boot Process
  8. Examining startup file of MCU

Embedded C Essentials  -Week-6

  1. Bitwise Operators (Hands-On)
  2. Pointers (Hands-On)
  3. Importance of “Volatile” Keyword (Hands-On)
  4. Significance of “const” keyword (Hands-On)
  5. Structures (Hands-On)
  6. Power of Typedef (Hands-On)
  7. Accessing Structure members (Hands-On)
  8. Bitwise mapping of structures (optional) (Hands-On)

Understanding CMSIS (Cortex Microcontroller Software Interface Standard)  -Week-7

  1. Writing Blinky by using raw addresses and pointers (Hands-On)
  2. Introduction to CMSIS
  3. Overview of CMSIS Documentation
  4. Writing CMSIS compliant blinky program
  5. Examining Vendor Specific header files

Peripheral Driver Implementation : GPIO   – Week 8,9

  1. Understanding GPIO hardware block diagram
    1. Understanding different I/O Modes (Digital / Analog)
    2. Understanding different GPIO States ( High Impedance / Pull-up/down / Open Drain / Push Pull)
    3. Understanding Alternate Functionality MUXing
  2. Examining GPIO registers from documentations
  3. Implementing generic GPIO Driver APIs
    1. GPIO Clock Control (Hand-On)
    2. GPIO Alternate Mode Configuration (Hand-On)
  4. Implementing GPIO Read / Write APIs
    1. Output Driver APIs(Hands-On)
    2. Input Driver APIs (Hand-On)
  5. Implementing GPIO Interrupts (Hand-On)
  6. Developing a library for GPIO Drivers for future use (Hands-On)

Peripheral Driver Implementation : SysTick Timer  -Week-10

  1. Understanding the SysTick Timer and it’s registers
  2. Implementing SyTick Timer Delay API with Interrupts (Hands-On)

Peripheral Driver Implementation : ADC  -Week -11

  1. Understanding ADC Hardware Block Diagram
  2. Understanding ADC Functional Modes
  3. Implementing ADC Driver APIs  (Hands-On)
  4. ADC Interrupts (optional) (Hands-On)

Peripheral Driver Implementation : UART -Week-12,13

  1. Understanding UART Protocol in detail
  2. Understanding UART Hardware Block Diagram
  3. Understanding UART Clock Generation ( BAUD Rate Calculations)
  4. Implementing UART Transmit Driver APIs (Hands-On)
    1. Polling Mode Transmit
    2. Interrupt Mode Transmit
  5. Implementing UART Receive Driver APIs (Hands-On)
    1. Polling Mode receive
    2. Receive on Interrupts
  6. Exercises (Hands-On)
  7. Interfacing some Device (optional)

Peripheral Driver Implementation : SPI  – Week 14,15

Peripheral Driver Implementation : I2C -Week 16

Special Sessions 

  • Embedded System Design Highlights
  • Write your First Firmware program without hardware or Simulator (Working with Remote team)
  • Team Activity
  • Best Practice – Embedded C
  • Board Bring-up Tips
  • Route to Bootloader ,
  • Beyond MCU
  • Role of JTAG

Technical Support 

  • English
  • Regional Language (Depending on availability of resources and number of students)
Online Recorded Content – Rs 1500 (Mandatory) 
Weekend support for doubt clarification – Rs 100 per week ( First 4 weeks are Mandatory)
 So The weekend program is min Rs 1900 (including everything except hardware) . Hardware is individual choice and can’t be provided at this cost
Note : Weekend support can be extended every month in advance.
Default support on whatsapp chat  will be available as community learning.


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