
Embedded System Training – July

Photo by Oleksandr Pidvalnyi on Pexels.com

All students , who join before 20th June, will get access to 90days Interview preparation in advance along with Getting started in C live session. Those who join after 26th June, they will have access to Learn C from scratch in advance.

Bridge course (Special Offer)

Enablement of bridge course to cover basic electronics , C and personal Lab setup will start from 27th June. Join in advance to avail these extra live sessions.

1: Embedded System Developer Kit

ARM Bare-metal Programming – Live Sessions

Weekend- Live Sessions

Weekend live sessions will cover key topics related to Embedded C and doubts related to other developer kit material. One year support in community and weekend live doubt clarification.

Recorded Videos of Previous Firmware Workshop

Weekend Live Sessions – 1 year

Topics of weekend live sessions will depend on feedback through Quiz or assignments. Theses sessions will be adjusted with doubt clarification sessions. There is recording also available for the same.

Some of the default topics during the year will cover following :

Access to full online course Embedded Developer Kit and Weekend live doubt clarification

2: Embedded System Developer – Strong kit

Everything in step 1 and additional one month live session for coding skills and Firmware projects. Access to Internet of Things.

3: Embedded System Developer Premium kit

Everything same as above till step 2. Additional one month for Linux Application development and career aligned projects. We have also started Embedded C++ live sessions for those who have worked in Embedded C.

4: Embedded System Developer Ultra kit

Everything same as above till step 3. Additional three months for Embedded Linux and Domain specific projects.

Additional live sessions

Any developer kit student can purchase additional live session for one month in 5K.

Time slots

Regular Batch:

Premium Kit:

There are separate slots available for Embedded C with 8051 or Linux Application Development

What is Premium kit ?

Please read Embedded System Premium kit

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When to register ?

Registration is open now.

All students , who join before 20th June, will get access to 90days Interview preparation in advance along with Getting started in C live session. Those who join after 26th June, they will have access to Learn C from scratch in advance.

Regular Live sessions will start on 1st July, 2024 .

How to Register ?

One can register for option 1 through RazorPay or drop a line to info@embedkari.com . We do all registration manually. You may contact us through following form as well.


EmailID : info@embedkari.com

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